#622: Raising the Bar

Maybe a philosophical talk about whether computers could ever become conscious wasn’t the best choice for someone already worried about that prospect.  But it was the only science-related talk of the Raising the Bar event that wasn’t sold out (though I later found out “selling out” didn’t mean anything and every talk was first come, first served).

I knew I was in for trouble when the first speaker told us that we all know what’s going on in our own minds.  Uh, do we, really?  That’s a generally accepted premise?  Okay, I’ll play along…

The talk continued on to focus on what separates a conscious being from an unconscious one.  And, surprise, there’s not exactly agreement within the philosophical world on this point.

Continue reading “#622: Raising the Bar”

#280: Internalize healthy thinking

The other day I was talking to a friend about her new baby.  She was telling me how she felt (as I imagine many new mothers do) like in making the decision to have kids–which she without question wanted to do–she was giving up so many other possibilities.  That in choosing to have a child, she was automatically pushing aside countless other options for her life.  And how the thought occasionally overwhelmed her.

And I–completely inexperienced when it comes to anything parenting related–told her I’m sure that’s a natural way to feel because humans are constantly worrying about how decisions they make affect their lives, and “what if,” and which doors are closing every second.  I maintain it’s innate…or maybe yet another thing we can blame on Eve. Continue reading “#280: Internalize healthy thinking”