#980: Replace running socks

When I decided to train for a marathon over 10 years ago, the best thing about running long distances was that it gave me an excuse to eat a ton of pasta. The second best thing–once I finally worked up to the long distance–was being able to see cool sunrise and sunset views of the city (which, at the time, was New York). The third best thing was having a reason to buy running gear.

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#747: Brik

If you try to be something for everyone, you’ll probably become nothing to anyone.

I don’t know if that’s a well-accepted concept or one I just made up, but I do know it’s beautifully exhibited by Brik.

Touting itself as a sports bar, it’s lined with TVs and ready with beer specials during the games.

And yet, we could barely hear the game last night because in addition to the televisions’ sound, the speakers were also blasting out loud club music.

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