#627: See Of Mice and Men

It was always inevitable, of course.  You knew it from the moment the curtain rose and the familiar sense of this isn’t going to end well bubbled and gurgled up into your throat.

But you tried to enjoy the experience anyway, since everyone was so talented and objectively it was impressive.

Still, that nagging feeling of this is hurtling toward devastation wouldn’t go away, and while on the one hand, you wanted to just get it over with, on the other hand you wanted to stop time so you might never have to reach the instant everything goes so terribly wrong.

Continue reading “#627: See Of Mice and Men”

#586: Topless trash take-out

You know how it is, right?

You’re doing the dishes while naked, and though you’ve been really good over the past week, for some reason scrubbing peanut butter from tupperware makes you tear up, and in between bites of chocolate in the shape of a snowflake left over from Christmas, you start thinking damaging thoughts that aren’t even concrete but you know they’re not good for you because they’re straying from the mantra your friend gave you to repeat about how you’d rather be alone than with someone who doesn’t treat you well?

Continue reading “#586: Topless trash take-out”