#866: Paste without formatting

Yesterday it was announced that gravitational waves have been discovered in the universe. If you are reading this in the far future, or if you have a better grasp of the fascinating time/space stuff I’ve always been interested in but never had the patience to learn fully about, you may know both how remarkable this is and also what it means for science, and human knowledge in general.

I, however, only know what I skimmed in this article.

So all I can tell you is that the people who discovered this incredible science thing, which it does truly pain me to admit I don’t really understand, probably felt something like I did when I learned there is a keyboard command to paste text without formatting. Continue reading “#866: Paste without formatting”

#725: Make soup

As much as I’ve improved at this over the past few years, I’m pretty sure I’ll never be someone who automatically goes with the flow.  Even if I’m better about recognizing I sometimes have little control over the flow, something still compels me to periodically halt the flow to examine it. What if, I wonder, that rock right there didn’t exist, or it was shifted slightly to the left, or it was much further downstream–how would the flow be altered?

Fascinated by the idea that at this current moment, an infinite number of flows are taking place in infinite realities, I can’t help but wonder what alternate path I may be on in some other universe.

Continue reading “#725: Make soup”

#623: Bushwick Open Studios

If I didn’t know any better–if I thought the universe was at all interested in helping me out–I’d be getting panicky right now thinking about how I’ve been at my new (old) job for a year now.  This is, to remind you but also to remind me, the job I took because I wanted to spend less time at work and more time working on other things, with “other things” a stand-in mostly for writing.

Yet in this past year, I haven’t written much of anything outside of blog posts (I mean, there’s the 20,000 word email to an ex that I’ll never actually send, but we probably shouldn’t count that).  And, if I wanted to take a few recent events as signs, I’d be extremely anxious about that fact.

Continue reading “#623: Bushwick Open Studios”

#431: Be part of a stranger’s proposal

Dear universe:

Seriously?  I sit down yesterday for a minute by the river to take a picture, and that couple passes me, and the guy takes a picture a foot away from me and then gets down on his knee to propose to his girlfriend, and I turn to see this and hear the girl say, “Are you serious?” and then, “Yes!  Yes, of course!” and have to endure the most awkward 35 seconds while they embrace and I don’t know if I’m supposed to congratulate them, offer to take a picture, or immediately run away so as not to interfere with their special moment?

Continue reading “#431: Be part of a stranger’s proposal”