#689: Go to a vineyard

It was supposed to be a beautiful venue for an outdoor wedding–neatly arranged rows of grapes growing in the breeze, wine flowing against the sunset, tears of joy glistening in the light bouncing off the windows of the stone cottage.

Instead, it poured all day and the ceremony was held indoors.  But that’s the funny thing about a celebration of love: it doesn’t care about the weather. Continue reading “#689: Go to a vineyard”

#658: Watch The Importance of Being Earnest

In my mind, Oscar Wilde can (I mean, could, when he was alive, of course) do no wrong (I mean, as a writer, of course).

So the Hudson Warehouse Theater Company’s outdoor production of the play was always going to be good in my opinion.

Continue reading “#658: Watch The Importance of Being Earnest”

#433: Winegasm

It’s a tiny place that, being on a street in Astoria (vs. an avenue) left much to be desired in the people-watching category, but, being that it was the first drinking outside night of the season, I’m not going to complain about. I’m not going to compare it to places in Manhattan or Brooklyn because it would be like comparing a veggie burger and a regular burger: geared toward different audiences. Continue reading “#433: Winegasm”

#302: Buy emergency water

Overheard while walking home from the second-to-last subway to run in my neighborhood before transportation was suspended due to the impending hurricane: “I really wish I had a boyfriend right now.”

I didn’t have to hear the rest of the conversation to know exactly what the woman was talking about.  She was talking about how preparing for a storm (or suffering a setback, or solving a problem) doesn’t feel quite so serious with someone by your side. Continue reading “#302: Buy emergency water”